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  • A Plumb, A Menys, EA Russo, D Prezzi, G Bhatnagar, R Vega, S Halligan, TR Orchard, SA Taylor. Magnetic resonance imaging-quantified small bowel motility is a sensitive marker of response to medical therapy in Crohn's disease. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2015 Aug; 42(3):343-55


  • P Kennedy, EA Russo, N Kumar, N Powell, P Vlavianos, A Thillainayagam, D Bansi, D   Westaby. Effectiveness of prophylactic pancreatic stents in preventing post-ERCP pancreatitis: A two-year retrospective controlled study in a tertiary centre in London. Surg Endosc. 2010 Aug;24(8):1923-8


  • EA Russo, A W Harris, S Campbell, J Lindsay, A Hart, N Arebi, A Milestone, HH  Tsai, J Walters, M Carpani, D Westaby, A Thillainayagam, D Bansi, S Ghosh. Experience of maintenance infliximab therapy for refractory ulcerative colitis in England. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2009 Feb 1;29(3):308-14.


  • EA Russo, M Iacucci, JO Lindsay, S Campbell, JP Hamlin, TR Orchard, N Arebi, AL Hart, SM Gabe, MR Jacyna, J Nightingale, M O’Connor, AW Harris, C O’Morain, S Ghosh. Survey regarding the use of adalimumab as maintenance therapy in Crohn’s disease in England and Ireland. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2010 Mar;22(3):334-9.


  • EA Russo, D Pendse, R Nebould, SA Taylor, PM Matthews, TR Orchard.  Diffusion-Weighted MRI As a Monitoring Tool in Crohn's Disease. A Prospective Pilot Study Assessing Its Responsiveness in Patients Receiving Anti-TNF Therapy. Gastroenterology, Vol. 148, Issue 4, S-434–S-435


  • EA Russo, RN Gunn, S Khan, R Janisch, EA Rabiner, PM Matthews, TR Orchard. 18F-FDG-PET Scanning As a Monitoring Tool in Crohn's Disease. A Prospective Study Assessing the Repeatability and Responsiveness of PET Endpoints. Gastroenterology, Vol. 148, Issue 4, S-435


  • EA Russo, N Dikaios, J Makanyanga, C Bishop, R Newbould, PM Matthews, SA Taylor, TR Orchard. The Use of Maria Score and Dynamic Contrast Enhancement MRI Endpoints in Patients With Endoscopic Evidence of Active Crohn's Disease.  Gastroenterology, Vol. 146, Issue 5, S-430


  • EA Russo, S Khan, AP Brown, N Keat, W Hallett, R Janisch, RG Gunn, E Rabiner, PM Matthews, TR Orchard. Correlation of FDG PET Scanning with clinical and laboratory markers of activity in patients with Crohn's Disease. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis Vol. 8Supplement 1, Pages S167-S168


  • EA Russo, S Khan, AP Brown, N Keat, W Hallett, R Janisch, RN Gunn, EA Rabiner, PM Matthews, TR Orchard. Correlation of FDG-PET Scanning with Endoscopic Findings in Patients with Crohn’s Disease. Gut 2014;63:Suppl 1 A74


  • EA Russo, R Hackett, JO Lindsay, PM Irving, TR Orchard. Efficacy of Infliximab as 2nd Line Biologic in Crohn’s Disease. Gut 2014;63:Suppl 1 A154-A155


  • EA Russo, JM Hoare. Single-Balloon Enteroscopy Performed on Routine Endoscopy Lists Under Conscious Sedation. A Retrospective Report on a Single UK Centre's Experience. Gastroenterology, Vol. 140, Issue 5, S-558


  • EA Russo, G Petts, T Lloyd, RG Goldin, PM Matthews, TR Orchard. The expression of interleukin 2 receptor in intestinal resection specimens from patients with Crohn's disease as assessed by immunohistochemistry. Gut 2012;61:Suppl 2 A179


  • EA Russo, JM Hoare, R Negus, JP Teare, HJ Thomas, TR Orchard, N Powell. Longitudinal Analysis of Erosive and Non-Erosive GERD. Gastroenterology Vol. 138, Issue 5, Supplement 1, Page S-724


  • EA Russo, L Hicks, J Hoare, H Thomas, J Teare, H Williams, TR Orchard. Colonoscopy in patients presenting with melaena and a normal upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: a retrospective review from a single UK centre. Gut 2012;61:Suppl 2 A163


  • EA Russo, S O’Donnell, J Dearden, S Campbell, JO Lindsay, C O’Morain, TR Orchard. Long Term Efficacy of the Second Biologic in the Management of Crohn's Disease. A Retrospective Survey on an English- Irish Cohort. Gastroenterology Vol. 138, Issue 5, Supplement 1, Page S-697


  • EA Russo, N Powell, G Mansfield, D Adjogatse, K O’Gallagher, J Naguib, H Thomas, J Teare, R Negus, J Hoare, TR Orchard. The evolving epidemiology of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: A 20-year endoscopy perspective. Gastroenterology, Volume 136, Issue 5, Supplement 1, May 2009, Pages A-738


  • EA Russo, N Powell, G Mansfield, J Teare, H Thomas, TR Orchard, J Hoare. Alarm signs in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Gastroenterology, Volume 136, Issue 5, Supplement 1, May 2009, Pages A-457


  • EA Russo, JO Lindsay, S Campbell, JP Hamlin, TR Orchard, N Arebi, AL Hart, SM Gabe, MR Jacyna, J Nightingale, M O’Connor, AW Harris, C O’Morain, S Ghosh. Experience on the use of Adalimumab as maintenance therapy for Crohn’s disease in England and Ireland. Gut, 2009;58(Suppl 1):A62


  • P Kennedy, D Adjogatse, N Kumar, EA Russo, N Powell, D Bansi, AV Thillainayagam, P Vlavianos, D Westaby. Bi-spectral Index monitoring during conscious sedation in ERCP. Gut 2009;58(Suppl 1):A152


  • P Kennedy, EA Russo, N Kumar, N Powell, D Bansi, A Thillainayagam, P Vlavianos, D Westaby. Prophylactic pancreatic duct stents in the prevention of post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) pancreatitis. An analysis of practice in a single UK tertiary referral centre. Gut 2009;58(Suppl 1):A7


  • E A Russo, A W Harris, S Campbell, J Lindsay, A Hart, N Arebi, A Milestone, HH  Tsai, J Walters, M Carpani, D Westaby, A Thillainayagam, D Bansi, S Ghosh. Experience of maintenance infliximab therapy for refractory ulcerative colitis in England. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis Supplements February 2008 (Vol. 2, Issue 1, Page 37)

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